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Lusine Sedrakyan, DMD

General Dentistry located in Lawrenceville, GA

About Dr. Sedrakyan

Dr. Lucy Sedrakyan was born in Yerevan, Armenia, and moved to Georgia in 2017. Dr. Sedrakyan received her doctorate in dental medicine from the University of Alabama in Birmingham. She practices general dentistry, including oral surgery, pediatrics, root canals, cosmetics, and orthodontics.

Dr. Sedrakyan is keeping up with the latest technology and advancements in dentistry. She has a particular passion for cosmetic dentistry and is a member of the AACD. She has already completed numerous hours of continuing education courses and is continuously taking more classes.

Dr. Sedrakyan resides in Alpharetta, GA, with her husband, Dr. George, their baby boy Leo, and a Siberian Husky, Eva. Traveling and reading are by far her favorite activities. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends.