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Crowns Specialist

Southern Smiles Lawrenceville -  - General Dentist

Southern Smiles Lawrenceville

General Dentist located in Lawrenceville, GA

A crown can serve many purposes, including protecting a tooth, improving chewing, or making your smile more attractive. We create crowns using impressions of your teeth at Southern Smiles Lawrenceville. To schedule your consultation for a new dental crown, call Southern Smiles Lawrenceville or book online today.

Crowns Q&A

What are crowns?

Crowns are caps that cover teeth that are damaged, weakened, or misshapen. At Southern Smiles Lawrenceville, we make sure the crown is appropriately sized and shaped according to the original. She also matches its color if you opt for material like porcelain or ceramic. 

What can crowns fix?

Crowns can cover numerous common tooth conditions. You might need one to save a tooth from further damage or improve the way a tooth looks. Common reasons for getting crowns include:

  • Attaching to a dental implant
  • Covering a filling
  • Holding a dental bridge in place
  • Holding together a cracked tooth
  • Reshaping a misshapen tooth
  • Covering severe discoloration
  • Restoring severe tooth wear-and-tear

There are several reasons why you might need a crown, and we are ready to explain the benefits you’ll get from a crown according to your case. She also explains your choices for crown materials, which include porcelain as well as other options like gold or silver amalgam. 

How are crowns affixed?

Getting a dental crown involves a couple of visits. The first is for the design and the other for the attachment process. During your first visit at Southern Smiles Lawrenceville, we first assesses your teeth for damages and diseases that need treatment before you can safely get a crown. That includes taking X-rays of your teeth and jaw. 

After filing the tooth needing a crown, we take an impression of the tooth and nearby teeth. Using the impressions, she can make a crown that fits.

When your crown is ready, it’s time to come to Southern Smiles Lawrenceville for another visit. We remove the temporary crown she placed on the tooth toward the end of your first visit and checks the fit of the new, permanent crown. If it fits, she might use local anesthesia to numb the area around the tooth. Then, she cements the crown onto it. 

How long do crowns last?

The number of years your new crown lasts depends on the material. On average, you can expect to have your new crown for 5-15 years before it’s time to get a replacement.

There are several issues that can decrease your crown’s longevity, like breaking your crown. Fortunately, you’re unlikely to break the crown if you take great care of your teeth, protect your teeth from grinding, and don’t bite down on solid objects. 

Find out more about crowns and their benefits by calling Southern Smiles Lawrenceville or booking an appointment online today.