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Emergency Dentistry Specialist

Southern Smiles Lawrenceville -  - General Dentist

Southern Smiles Lawrenceville

General Dentist located in Lawrenceville, GA

Emergency dentistry is something you might not think you’ll need until a dental emergency strikes. At Southern Smiles Lawrenceville in Lawrenceville, Georgia, we keep availability for emergency dentistry every day. She treats your issue in the office and may be able to preserve your natural teeth. Call ahead for any emergency or book the next available appointment online.

Emergency Dentistry Q&A

What is emergency dentistry?

Emergency dentistry is a type of dental care utilized immediately after a mouth injury or serious infection. At Southern Smiles Lawrenceville, we evaluate your mouth and immediately takes steps to stop bleeding or pain. She keeps emergency appointments available every day. 

In the event of a dental emergency, gather up any teeth, parts of teeth, or restorations that have fallen out or become dislodged. Clean them and keep them safe either in a container of milk or in the sockets of your mouth. 

We may take dental X-rays when you get to the office to better visualize the extent of the issue. She explains your diagnosis and creates a treatment plan right away. In many cases, arriving quickly for emergency dentistry can save your teeth. 

When do I need emergency dentistry?

Emergency dentistry can address many issues that can’t wait for an appointment days or weeks later. As a rule, visit for emergency dentistry for any significant oral pain or for:

  • Knocked-out teeth
  • Broken teeth
  • Broken crowns
  • Dislodged crowns
  • Tooth abscesses
  • Soft tissue injuries in the mouth
  • Loose adult teeth

Familiarizing yourself and your family with what constitutes dental emergencies could help preserve your smile. At your next routine visit, we can explain what to do in any emergency situation. 

How can I avoid emergency dentistry?

There isn't much you can do to avoid every possible dental emergency, but you can take steps that will help you keep your teeth healthy. Dental emergencies can include injuries or infections, so keeping your teeth clean is essential. 

To minimize your chances of experiencing a dental emergency, you should:

  • Wear a mouthguard for contact sports
  • Wear a bite guard if you grind your teeth at night
  • Brush thoroughly twice a day
  • Floss between your teeth daily
  • Avoid biting down on solid objects
  • Avoid using your teeth to cut or tear objects
  • Visit every six months for cleanings and exams

When you arrive at Southern Smiles Lawrenceville for examinations, we look over your mouth for signs of potential conditions. She can point out possible areas of damage or decay and fix them before they become emergencies. 

To schedule your appointment for emergency dentistry, call Southern Smiles Lawrenceville or book online today.