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Teeth Cleaning Specialist

Southern Smiles Lawrenceville -  - General Dentist

Southern Smiles Lawrenceville

General Dentist located in Lawrenceville, GA

A teeth cleaning doesn’t take much time out of your day, and the benefits of regular cleanings are lifelong. At Southern Smiles Lawrenceville in Lawrenceville, Georgia, we  examine your teeth during your teeth cleaning appointments and sends you off with a freshly polished smile. To schedule a teeth cleaning for yourself or a loved one, call Southern Smiles Lawrenceville or book online today.

Teeth Cleaning Q&A

What happens during a teeth cleaning?

Professional teeth cleaning is a service that everyone should get. It does more than a home brushing and flossing routine and removes bacterial buildup from hard-to-reach areas, like between your teeth and around the gums. 

Your teeth cleanings at Southern Smiles Lawrenceville involve several steps plus an in-depth oral examination. During your next cleaning, you can expect:

  • Plaque and tartar removal
  • Cleaning with a gritty toothpaste
  • Flossing
  • A thorough rinse
  • Fluoride treatment

We include additional steps in some of your teeth cleaning visits depending on your age and risk factors, including X-rays. These diagnostics usually happen once every few years during teeth cleanings, and they can detect health problems that aren’t immediately visible

How often should I get my teeth cleaned?

Getting your teeth cleaned at Southern Smiles Lawrenceville is essential, and you’ll get substantial benefits from the process. For most individuals, we recommend teeth cleanings twice every year.

Brushing and flossing your teeth doesn’t negate the need for professional teeth cleanings, even if you use the correct techniques. Professional cleanings remove hardened bacterial buildup that a regular toothbrush and floss cannot remove.

Some people need more frequent cleanings. If you’re prone to cavities or gum disease, we can tell you if you should get cleanings more often. 

If you have kids, they should start getting teeth cleanings around the time you start seeing baby teeth. That usually happens by their first birthday. After the first visit, you should continue bringing them in once every six months, so we can monitor their baby teeth and the development of their adult teeth.  

What are the benefits of teeth cleaning?

Professional teeth cleanings offer considerable benefits for your oral and overall health. By getting professional cleanings you can:

  • Prevent gum disease
  • Prevent cavities
  • Prevent early tooth loss
  • Enjoy fewer stains
  • Detect dental problems early
  • Reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease

Getting regular teeth cleanings helps reduce your need for dental treatments in the future, which lowers overall dental care costs in your lifetime. As part of preventive care, teeth cleanings lower your risk for many of the most prevalent oral health issues. 

If you’re overdue for a teeth cleaning, schedule your appointment over the phone or online at Southern Smiles Lawrenceville today.